food security

Texas Global Food Security Summit

JW Marriott Austin 110 E Second Street, Austin, TX, United States

Join the Eleanor Crook Foundation, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), the World Affairs Council of Austin, and UT Austin’s LBJ School of Public Affairs for the inaugural Texas Global Food Security Summit. The summit will provide a platform to discuss and promote the unique leadership of the state of Texas in advancing global food […]

Globalist Coffeehouse: The Global Food Crisis – what are the solutions?

Shoal Creek Saloon 909 N. Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX, United States

As we enter a season of “culinary extravagance” we should perhaps think about the food crisis that is impacting people throughout the world. In 2021 acute food security affected 193 million people globally, and in North Africa, almost half - a million people are facing starvation and death. The U.S. provides $2 billion annually or […]

Globalist Coffeehouse: Horizontal vs Vertical – Food Supply Chain Throughout the World

5820 Burger and Taphouse 7032 Wood Hollow Dr, Austin, TX, United States

When we think of the world's food supply chain a number of issues come to mind. Between recovering from a global pandemic, to the ongoing war in Ukraine, as well as the ever changing climate, what does it mean to have a top to bottom approach in supply chain distribution as opposed to a horizontal […]

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