We will be meeting in person in the semi-private dining room at the Shoal Creek Saloon, 909 N. Lamar. This month’s topic is:
Global Disinformation in a “Post-Truth” World
We are experiencing a global circulation of misinformation and disinformation, especially via digital media. What are the international and regional contexts in which disinformation is generated, harvested, circulated, and weaponized? How do we generate policy recommendations and solutions for the looming problems of the “post-truth” world?
This will be a follow-up to a presentation, on October 18th, by Dr. Michael Mosser, on essentially the same topic. He is the Ex. Director of the Global Disinformation Lab (GDIL) at the University of Texas. You are welcome to attend both events.
Please join us at the Shoal Creek Saloon for what will be a very interesting discussion.
For more details contact:
Ellen Murry, Co-chair, of the Globalist Coffeehouse: ellen.murry@yahoo.com
Polina Anastassieva, Co-chair, of the Globalist Coffeehouse: polina@wacaustin.org